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 >>                      Bitwise Shift Right

 exp1 >> exp2            bitwise shift right
 exp1                    any integer value
 exp2                    any integer value; treated as unsigned

    The >> operator returns exp1 shifted to the right by exp2 bits, with
    the vacated lefthand bits filled with zeros if exp1 is of unsigned
    type. If exp1 is of signed type, then the vacated bits in exp2 are
    filled with copies of the exp1 sign bit. For example:

           j = 0x0F71;
           i = j >> 4;          /* i == 0x00F7 */

    In C++, the >> operator has been overloaded to receive data from a
    stream, as in cin >> my_data. It is referred to as the extraction

       Note:    The >> operator does not alter exp1.

See Also: <<
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